Our learning centre in Chuk Muk is a very busy hub of activity. We have around 30 students using the computer lab a day, researching homework or doing on line classes. Additionally, we have the 75 middle school students having their computer classes in the facility. Six months ago, 12 of the 13 computers were second hand reconditioned computers that were over 8 years old. Our system engineer student, Pedro L., has been keeping them going. Around 4 months ago 6 decided to die and two generous donation enabled us to get 6 new computers. Well several weeks ago the last 6 decided to stop working permanently. In addition, the photocopier that is used to print all the projects, assignments and worksheets for the middle school was limping along at best.

We are so thankful for Stan at Maximil donating considerable funds to purchase 6 more computers and Gwen for buying a wonderful new printer.