Today we had a road trip across the lake. It is very windy right now and it can be windy and dangerous. It was a very bumpy trip with the hundreds of potholes, it took several hours each way. Here is the group of boys we took on the trip.


Our first stop was in San Lucas Toliman to sign Juan Carlos up to take mechanics in high school. This is totally awesome as we need to diversify and not have the students all picking the same courses.


We then drove to a large university outside Sololá to sign up Marvin and Francisco. Marvin is going to study to be a high school math teacher, It will take his 3 years studying on Saturdays.


We then tried to sign Francisco up to study agriculture and were informed that the school for agriculture ran 4 days a week. This is a huge problem as Francisco has to work to support his family AND he is to be our new garden guy. The president of the university came to speak to us to find out our problem. He recommended that Francisco take a course with IMAP. We informed him that Francisco was already working one day a week with IMAP but we wanted him to have more formal education as well.

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He seemed really impressed and organized for us to speak with the director of agriculture at the school. We discussed our problem. The director told us their are no weekend courses in Guatemala as the course is so intense. They study agriculture, forestry and livestock. At the end they are classified as an engineer of agriculture. But he really listened to our plight and said would it be possible for Francisco to study 2 days a week and take 4 years instead of the 2 years to complete the technician part of the course. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather I was so surprised.


We of course said YES. Francisco will have to study very hard as this university has high standards but he it thrilled.


We then stopped at Sololá to sign up Cristobal to study computer programing but the school was closed. All in all an amazing day!!!!!