IMG_3256Today all our students received shoes for school. They were very excited as they do not normally get to go into a store and buy something new.  As you can imagine it was a bit hectic as there were over 70 students and a very small store. In addition we had to take everyone’s picture to send to their sponsors.


One of our students, Cruz, is very sick. He was the top student in Basico for 3 years. He is not presently enrolled in school as he has stomach pains for the last 3 months. In addition he informed us that he has had bad headaches for well over a year.
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We took him to the HOSITALITO ( a US funded hospital). He had numerous test done and he has a parasite. He is on 4 medications for the next week. We then have to take him back to the hospital. The doctor informed us that if he still has the headaches we will need to take him to see a neurologist. We covered all his medical costs which is something his very poor family could not afford. I hope we soon will be reporting good news.