The last days of the trip were spent tying up loose ends. Theo finished up with the art students and is bringing some art home to sell at his sister’s shop in Lantzville.

A group of about 10 students want to continue with their art. Theo left supplies for the group and they plan on meeting several mornings a week. A group of High School students also did art with Theo. When they finished their art work they gave an impromptu concert using the Basico instruments.

Two students, Nicholas and Nineth, are in first year Basico. They come from very poor families and are struggling to pay for their mandatory typing classes. A generous donation from Joan G. has helped to cover the cost of these 2 students typing course.

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We have been able to start a small bead store, ( it will slowly grow to contain more items) thanks to Anne G. We had our first meeting with the Chuk Muk Womens Beading Group where we were buying items. We have an order from Westjet for 1000 blue Santas. This large order has given us the start up project for the group.

The women purchased their beads from our new store. We took photos of the ladies and hope to have tags on all the items we sell showing the artisans.

We also purchased beadwork from the students in the Basico and took their photo. Our last day was spent going to Guatemala City with the Home Economics teacher.

We were buying the fabric for all the student projects. Thank you Stan at Maximil.