We started early today with a visit to ENBI in Chuk Muk. ENBI is the bilingual education high school. We needed to pay for the students going to this Carrera. Last week when we visited the school did not know how much their fees would be. I am very happy to announce that this government school will be free. This is great news as the school uniform for the girls is guipil and corte. The school colours are red and yellow. The students do not have to purchase the uniform at the school. One of the student’s, Conception, mom  back strap weaves. We are going to hire her to make the guilil. We organized to meet the girls on Saturday to purchase the red corte ( skirt) in the market. We still have to buy the students their gym clothing. The money that is left after all costs are covered will be given to the students to help with the cost of photocopying and internet.

We then went to the boat launch to meet with Maria Isabel Ramos. Maria Isabel is starting first year university to study business administration. Her university is being totally covered by  Gerri Cook, Nicole Biagioni and Marie Landry.

Thank you for your generous donation. Maria Isabel makes a lot of our original jewelry that we sell. We therefore also ordered some jewelry.


Next we met up with Noe from Porch de Solomon. His organization is building a home for one of our students in Jucanya. He is building a home for a dirt poor family in Tzan Cha. This is their first time building in this area and he asked Aldea Maya to organize a worker for the project.

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Noe came with a foreman, volunteers and tools. Noe is hiring Jaime’s father for transportation. We all hopped in the back of the truck for the 3 mile drive to Tzan Cha.  We met the family that is receiving the home. They are very poor and malnourished. Next we looked at the land the home is to be built on. Noe then informed Cristobal and Gaspar they will have work for about 2 months. They are starting at a beginning wage as they are unskilled, however if they work hard and pick up skills their wage will be increased. Solomon’s Porch may build more homes in this area and these young men may even get more work. This money will help the boys pay for internet and photocopying. This is totally exciting!!!!!

We then brought the group to Chuk Muk to see our programs. We also showed them the piece of land the Basico has been given.  We are hoping to maybe work with Porch de Solomon to build some classrooms. Noe really likes are garden and nutrition projects and is going to send someone to learn from us.

In the afternoon Jaime and I visited 3 of the high schools that are students are studying in. The first one was ISRAELI it is a religious high school. Their prices are very high but it is an excellent school. One of the reason for the high prices is that they pay their teachers a decent wage. Luckily we only have one student in this school……we are going to need to find a co- sponsor to help cover the costs.


The next high school we visited was INED. This school runs a 2 year program in math, sciences and computers. This school is free. They ask for a donation which we gave them.. They have yet to figure out the costs of the school uniform and P.E. uniform. As a result of this school being so cheap we will be able to give the students studying here  money every month for internet and photocopying.

The third school we visited was CEDUCA. It costs are between the other two. The students studying here are studying business Administration or accounting. We can cover the costs of the boy students. However the girls need traditional clothing uniform at a cost of over 100 CND. Luckily the girl studying here, Elena, has a sister studying at a free school. They are going to share their money.