Today a composter was constructed out of concrete blocks, and Audrey will hopefully put the front on with wood. We are trying to teach the students the difference between inorganic and organic.

The Basico students who are fully sponsored received their new runners today. Exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shirley and Audrey played,  animal bingo in English with the Basico students improving their English and Spanish.
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Grade 4 constructed greenhouse from 3 litre pop bottles, using toilet paper rolls as their peat pots.  These rolls were collected from hotels as they use newspaper in their bathrooms as toilet paper is too expensive to buy. They planted watermelon, papaya and beans in organic soil that Audrey made from the manure, coffee breakdown product and organic compost we had collected earlier in the week. Jaime has made a wonderful sheltered area ensuring that the mini greenhouses did not receive full sun.  They are watering them regularly and waiting eagerly for the seeds to germinate and pop out of the soil.

Louise and Jaime worked with the Basico 3 volunteers. These volunteers have to work 10 hours helping in the elementary school. This is a great help to the teachers as they have no assistance at all. Today the volunteers were playing number and animal bingo with the grade 1’s. These students are learning Spanish as they speak Tzutujil at home. Bingo is a fun way to learn and the prizes were toothbrushes brought down by Shirley’s dentist Dr. Spence.