Headed back to the Chukumuk elementary school today. Spent some time helping in one of the grade 3 classes. Two years ago I brought down various teaching tools and one set focused on time.




































Each student in the class was given a small clock card where the hands are movable. Different times were writen on the board and the students then made the same time on their clock. The students never get to use hands on items so they found this quite fun.

After they had grasped the time concept it was time to play clock BINGO. This reinforced what the students had already learned and was very fun as we had prizes.



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Next I visited the three grade 6 classes and took pictures of all the grade 6 students that hope to be able to go to Basico next year. I explained to them about the Christmas cards and Aldea Maya would only be playing their school fees and buying supplies IF their card was sold.

SO if you want to help a student continue his or her studies purchase a card and help a young persons dream come true

Next I was completely swamped buy students and adults. Word had gotten out that I was here and buying beadwork at FAIRTRADE prices!!!!

It was comical as each person was yelling a different animal name at me to see if I was interested in purchasing that animal. Luckily we had a dictionary as some of the names I had never heard. When I return to Chukumuk on Tuesday I will be swamped with the items.









Finally walked through the village visiting the sponsor families and seeing the state of their water filters. And taking their photo for the water filter Christmas card.