Today was an exciting day as I went across Lake Atitlan to Santiago Atitlan. Then I hopped on a tuk tuk for Chukumuk.


I got dropped off in Chukumuk 2. The first family I went to visit was Dorcas and Heydi’s family. QBMS sponsors Dorcas and I was able to give her a lovely gift that the students in the leadership class had collected. Dorcas really loves plants. She was excited to show me her papaya plant. The family really enjoys eating the papayas.


This family received a vegetable garden last February . It is still producing some vegetables but they would love to get more seeds. They are happy to pay one keychain to get a selection of seeds.This year they ate from their garden carrots, beans,onions, cauiliflower, cabbage and beets.

Heydi then wanted to show me the chicken she received in grade 5. Aldea Maya will be buying beadwork from this family at fair trade prices.

 These families will need replacement filters for their water filter. Here are the family pictures we took for the Christmas card.


















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The rest of the day was spent walking around the village visiting sponsor families. At every home I checked to see if the families had water filters and took photos of the families.I now have only 37 more families to visit.

 Five of the familes had received vegetable gardens earlier this year. All the families loved telling me the different vegetables that they had grown.

One of the moms had noticed that I buy papaya plants every year for the grade 3 students….her son had received one 2 years ago, She had started some small papaya plants with some organic compost and asked If Aldea Maya would buy plants from her. I was really impressed with her initiative to start her own business. We will definitely be buying some plants from this mom,


Maria is showing mandarine oranges that are growing on the plant she received in grade 6.







I also visited with some of the Basico students. #1787 Maria Santos is in her second year of Basico in Santiago. Her dad is very ill with some form of gastritis and can not easily swollow food. The local doctors are not able to help him. He is very week and can not work. Maria is finding it expensive to pay for transportation to go to Basico. Aldea Maya is going to see if we can raise funds for Maria to get a bicycle. If you would like to help with this project email Aldea Maya!!!

As I walked through the village the children asked me to come and look at the plants they were growing from our nutrition and plant project.


Back in Panajachel I wasable to visit with Jasmin and her mom. Jasmin has Rheumatoid arthritis and was very happy to get a tin of powdered milk. Her mom Rosario is very ill and needs back surgery.She does not have to pay for the surgery but does need to pay for the examinations. Aldea Maya will be paying for these exams as she can not have the surgery without them