Finally arrived in Guatemala after 3 days of travelling with really heavy luggage. I was definitely glad to arrive with all the luggage intact, even the microscopes. Spent all day yesterday at Mayan Families headquaters.

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 The place was a complete zoo with hundreds of students and family members there to get their school supplies. It was fantastic to get to see all my MF worker friends.I happened to be wearing a red and white striped top and supposidely it was like playing Wheres Waldo to find me in the crowd of people.
 Alot of students from Chuk Muk were there to get their school supplies. It was great having the kids run up to me and say hi. The father of #13 and #14 was there to get his 2 sponsor childrens supplies. The mother was not able to make it as she is too weak after giving birth. She wanted a c section after this last baby but the hospital says she is too weak. This mom gets very ill after each birth and the babies are always sickly. Unfortunately she tends to get pregnant again before she has the operation. I got her some post natal vitamins from MF and hopefully this will help. The father also asked if ALDEA MAYA could buy the school supplies for his other children. I said that we would not give him the money but hire him to help with the garden projects and with that money he will be able to buy the supplies himself.
I also saw #25 Jacoba and her 2 brothers #37 Pedro and #30 Rigoberto. The family lives in Panabaj and it is a long ways for the boys to get to Basico. The family has been renting a bike for the oldest boy to get to school, however now they have 2 students in basico. The family has been making key chains in the” key chains for bikes”. project. Luckily the sponsor of the younger sister made a generous donation and we were able to buy 2 beautiful bikes today. The 2 young boys were beeming when they received their new bikes. It was great to give some joy to this lovely family. 2011 was a very hard year for them as they had a new baby. Unfortunately it was born with compromised heart and veins and died after 4 months.
Hopefully soon I will learn how to put pictures on the blog and make it a bit more interesting.