Once again we are heading to Chuk Muk in a reliable Mayan Families Toyota Truck. We were carrying 3 stoves, 20 cement blocks, 63 large banana plants. 3 papaya plants, 400# of black beans and 400 # of ground corn. On our adventure we had MF employees Julio and Juan. We definitely had to have 2 strong workers as the onil stoves are incredibly heavy as is the round metal stove.

First we dropped off the 59 banana plants at the school. We then headed to the store run by the mom of #619 Pedro. We needed to get rid of any extra weight as the majority of roads in Chuk Muk resemble a rocky, steep river bed.

We then installed an onil stove at #1972 Luisa’s home. Luisa is our newest student. Her single mom had constructed a simple shelter out of pieces of cement block and a wild cane. It has a metal roof but she cooked on a few rocks on the ground on a small piece of metal. When her sponsor, Kelly Hilder met the family and saw the horrible cooking conditions, she bought the family an onil stove.


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Our next stop was to the home of #577 Susana,#576 Pedro and #575 Francisco. This family had lost their home twice in Panabaj and were one of the last families to leave the refugee camp. They are really enjoying their new home and their goat loves standing on all the rocks in Chuk Muk…such a goat thing to do!!!
This family was pleased to receive a large roung energy efficient stove. This stove is perfect for cooking big pots of corn. This is one of the families that is participating in our beadwork for bike program. The dad is a campesino in Panabaj and it is too far to walk to and to costly to ride in the back of a pickup.
Finally we visited the home of #1735 Rosa to install our final stove. We found that they had a stove but it was not in good condition. Instead of replacing it we are fixing the stove pipe and inner terracotta.. We will have to do this next week as they were cooking on the stove and it was tooo hot to touch.

As we travelled through the village we were constantly stopped by students who wanted to show us their fruit plants. One family had a healthy avocado, banana and papaya plants!!!
I think our school plant program and family garden program our our biggest successes