Spent Wednesday in Chuk Muk visiting families. Our first stop was at the home of #587 Vilma Celestina. She had not been to school for over a week because of a horrible skin rash. We organized for her to take the boat to Panajachel and see a doctor. Vilma is an orphan that lives with her grandmother. They are very poor. In talking to the grandma we found out she would love to participate in our garden program in January 2012. This garden will help the family to have nutritious food to eat.




Vilma beside cooking area


Next we visited #619 Pedro. This family started a store earlier this year. We are going to help this store become even more successful by giving the other sponsor families coupons to use in this store. We were able to find an excellent price on black beans and corn. This family is buying all the new items for the store but will quickly them them because of the coupons and should be able to payback half the microloan for the store next week!!!!
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We then visited a ton of families and commisioned them to make beadwork at fairtrade prices. As I tend not to carry a dictionary with me but alas do not know all the words for vegetables and animals alot of cherades was occuring.I had big long list of the items that I wanted to buy and tried my best to match the items to a family. When other families heard the price we were buying the items at I was innundated with people. I now have purchased enough keychains for the whole of Qualicum!!!!!

As I visited the familes I was also checking out how they were doing financially and healthwise. I was also seeing which items they needed and if they were a candidate for our next garden program.
#568 Maria will be getting a new garden
#575 Francisco,#576 Pedro and #577 Susana will be getting a new garden
As I visit more of the families I will find atleast 3 more families
In the afternoon I was back in Panajachel and was working with Mayerlin from Mayan Families. She is really trying to help the mom of #856 Jasmin learn how to beadwork. She located a teacher and classes will start next week on making bracellets.